Avocados may cause allergies. Avocado allergies may include modest mouth discomfort and swelling to severe respiratory problems and anaphylaxis
In some people, latex and avocado allergies respond. Latex allergies may increase the likelihood of avocado allergies and cross-reactions. Seek medical advice.
Avocados are abundant in fiber and good fats, which some individuals with IBS have trouble digesting. Avocados may cause bloating, gas, or diarrhea.
Avocados are nutrient-dense and calorie-dense owing to their beneficial fat. Avocado meal sizes are important if you're dieting and watching your calorie consumption.
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Avocados should be reduced by renal disease patients, particularly those on potassium-restricted diets. Due to their high potassium content
Avocados contain vitamin K, which may interact with blood thinners. Avocados may interfere with vitamin K medications, so check your doctor.
Avocado may cause dietary intolerances. Avocados may cause stomach issues, so avoid them and see a doctor or dietician.
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