Top 8 Weight Loss Drinks

1. Green Tea

Green tea also includes caffeine, which boosts energy and exercise performance, helping you lose weight.

2. Coffee

Coffee includes caffeine, a stimulant that may aid weight reduction. Coffee may lower energy intake and enhance metabolism, helping you lose weight.

3. Black Tea

Black tea contains several polyphenols, including flavonoids. Antioxidants like polyphenols may help you lose weight.

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4. Water

Drinking extra water may help your waistline by keeping you full between meals and burning more calories.

5. Cider-vinegar drinks

Acetic acid, found in apple cider vinegar, may help you lose weight by lowering insulin, increasing metabolism, reducing hunger, and burning fat. Acetic acid prevents weight growth and liver

6. Ginger Tea

In a study of 10 overweight men, 2 grams of ginger powder dissolved in hot water at breakfast boosted fullness and lowered appetite compared to days without ginger tea.Acetic acid prevents weight growth and liver

7. Protein-rich drinks

Protein powders like whey, pea, and hemp may help you lose weight by adding protein to drinks and smoothies.

8. Juice Vegetable

Protein powders like whey, pea, and hemp may help you lose weight by adding protein to drinks and smoothies.

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