This Unexpected High-Cholesterol Food Can Damage Your Heart And Clog Arteries

Regular bacon is unhealthy, especially for the heart. Red meat can harm your heart. For this and other reasons, many people substitute turkey bacon. Gervacio advises that this may not be the greatest idea either.

Turkey bacon

She notes, "Turkey bacon has 86mg of cholesterol per 100-gram portion." "While healthier than traditional pork bacon, it still includes a lot of saturated fat and can raise LDL cholesterol.

It's not simply saturated fat that might cause problems. Gervacio says turkey bacon "may also contain a high amount of sodium which may cause hypertension." Yikes! Sodium overconsumption has several hazards.

Instead, what should you have? Gervacio recommends leaner unprocessed foods like turkey or chicken breast, beef or hog thin cuts. “There is also vegan bacon made with soy, seitan, and other cholesterol-free ingredients.” Sounds good!

Fatty fish is good for the heart, but Gervacio warns against shrimp. Believe it or not, this famous mollusk has more cholesterol than you think.


Fatty fish is good for the heart, but Gervacio warns against shrimp. Believe it or not, this famous mollusk has more cholesterol than you think.

"Shrimps have 160mg of cholesterol per 100 grams," she explains. "Most people know shrimp is low-fat and white, but excessive consumption can cause health issues."

She says, "Overconsumption of shrimp may contribute to an increase in LDL cholesterol," which is linked to atherosclerosis, fatty deposits in the arteries.

However, Gervacio notes, "recent research suggests that cholesterol in shrimp has a small impact on blood cholesterol levels when taken in moderation."

Turkey bacon and shrimp aren't the worst foods for your health, and they can even replace artery-clogging meats, but it's always good to be aware of the risks, especially with healthy foods. These foods are OK in moderation, but pick heart-healthy meals wherever feasible.

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