Aries passive-aggressively shows restraint. When they're angry, they can't say nothing, so they have to say something sarcastic to avoid leaping across the table at someone's throat. The fighter in them won't let anyone cross them like a crosswalk. They are built to bite and bark at every hint of harm.
They recognize that half of those who think they can oppose an Aries don't know what they're doing. Aries knows how to generate noise, appear larger than life, and keep eye contact without displaying fear. Like an outdoorsman facing a bear, an Aries has the skills and experience to fight anyone without blood.
Virgos are linguistic ninja stars, not Pez dispensers. You best be careful since those quips are faster and more accurate than any other zodiac sign. Their sarcasm overflows like a fondue fountain nobody wanted to pay for but now had to eat from.
Virgos find it intellectually demeaning to have to articulate their problems in simple English; the guilty party should learn how to console themselves. Virgos can ask for anything else in life—career, finance, romance—but none can ask someone to quit chewing loudly.
Geminis constantly take on too much, which causes problems when they can't please everyone. Instead of leveling with important parties, they promote hostility. Resentment that they were asked to do so much, that they felt they had to say yes, and that others don't want to compete for their time and attention.
They bottle it up till they self-implode, but that dynamite has a lengthy fuse. They also vented their fury in the most passive-aggressive manner. They will argue about anything but their problem. Honking and screaming are guaranteed, so watch out for those on the road.
A Capricorn will join the homeowners association and establish bylaws before knocking on a neighbor's door to turn down the music. Their revenge is complicated and delayed, but Capricorns love it. They will wait days or weeks for their offenders to be punished, but they rarely understand it's a Capricorn.
This Amazon review for sugar-free gummy bears was written by a Capricorn, who left a bowl on their desk for unwitting coworkers to eat and experience terrible intestinal repercussions. meek-aggressive Capricorns are so meek that no one can accuse them of hostility.