How to Use Reverse Pyramid Training to Switch Up Your Workouts

A reverse pyramid rep scheme is the opposite of a conventional pyramid. Instead of 12 to 15 reps of a low weight, you start with a weight that pushes you to do four to eight reps of an activity.

What Is Reverse Pyramid Training?

In each set, you'll lower weight by 10% and increase reps by two, maxing out at 12 reps. If done correctly, you'll struggle to finish each set's last two repetitions with flawless technique.

Whether you undertake a standard pyramid or a reverse one, the idea is to introduce a new training framework and optimize type I (endurance-oriented) and type II (strength and power-focused) muscle fiber activation. A reverse pyramid is better for muscle building since research suggests that you need to touch both fiber types, even though the latter has higher growth potential.

Advantages of Reverse Pyramid Training?

Start with low weight and heavy reps, like a pyramid, to attack type I fibers first. By the time you strike nail directly at the top of the pyramid, your type II fibers will be exhausted and won't interact as well as they would if they were new.

Conversely, a reverse pyramid pounds type II fibers first while they're strongest then engages type I fibers more afterwards, revealing their actual value (endurance). Most importantly, both fiber types have growth potential, optimizing increases overall.

Do not use reverse pyramid training as your only set/rep strategy for any workout, much alone your weekly routine. It is quite strenuous. Use it two to three times a week in two to three exercises, emphasizing major muscle groups—the larger, the better.

How to Workout Using Reverse Pyramid Training

Here's how you may utilize it to boost pec muscle growth during a barbell bench press workout: Set 1: 12–15 repetitions Set 2: 8-12 reps Set 3: 6–8 repetitions Set 4: 4–6 reps

Repeat that procedure three times, resting 30–60 seconds between attempts. The third set should leave your muscles screaming for mercy, but that deep burn is a sign of hypertrophic outcomes. Take it in. If time allows, add any of our recovery workouts to recover quickly and perform at your best.

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