7 Delicious Vegetable Juices to Lose Belly Fat

Detox Green Juice:

Two cucumbers 2 celery stalks 1 cup spinach 1 cup kale 1/2 lemon (peeled)

Beet-carrot-berry juice:

Two carrots One tiny beet 1 cup mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)

Spicy Tomato Juice:

4-5 ripe tomatoes Half red bell pepper 1/2 tiny red chili pepper spiced to taste 1/2 lime (juiced)

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Cabbage-Carrot Juice:

1/4 tiny cabbage Two carrots 1/2 lemon (peeled)

Beet-Ginger Juice:

Two tiny beets A 1-inch ginger piece Instructions: Wash and cut ginger and beets.

Spinach-Parsley Juice:

2 cups spinach 1/2 cup parsley One cucumber One green apple

Cucumber-Mint Cooler:

Two cucumbers A handful fresh mint leaves Instructions: Wash and slice mint and cucumbers. Combine these to make a hydrating juice.

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