6 Reasons You Have Water Weight & What to Do About It

You're consuming too much salt.

Water weight can arise from salty meals. “Typically, this is a common thing that can happen as salt will draw out the water, making it go to those places you don't want it to go," says award-winning nutritionist and Wall Street Journal best-selling author Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND. "But this is usually temporary."

It's that time of the month.

Monthly cramps, mood swings, and bloating—the delights! Menstrual cycle may also cause water weight. Amidor says "many women tend to retain water right before and during their menstrual cycle.

obese or overweight people to lose weight to reduce water weight during the month. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can also reduce fluid retention.

You're eating a lot of carbs.

Three to four grams of water are stored for every gram of glycogen. When you quit consuming carbs, your body utilizes glycogen for energy. Water disappears with glycogen. Weight loss may seem quick, but it's primarily water and glycogen."

Maintain the daily recommended amount. Research suggests carbohydrates should account for 45% to 65% of daily calories.

You're dehydrated.

Dehydration makes your body want more water! So water retention makes sense with dehydration. Dunn states, "When dehydrated, the body tends to hold on to more water until the balance of fluids is restored."

You have venous insufficiency.

Insufficient venous function causes water retention in your feet and lower legs. "Venous insufficiency can cause discomfort, skin darkening, and infection," Amidor warns. It happens when sitting or standing for lengthy durations, such on a flight."

maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, and avoiding prolonged sitting or standing to treat venous insufficiency. When on a lengthy trip, she advises getting up and stretching for a few minutes. "Compression socks/stockings can also reduce swelling by improving blood flow."

You're dealing with an underactive thyroid.

"Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic to help remove excess water if your thyroid is underactive," Amidor says. Consult your doctor immediately if you suspect thyroid concerns. Amidor notes that diuretics may be prescribed to reduce water retention.

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