Fan bikes differ from stationary bikes. This sophisticated cardio equipment works your legs, arms, and core. Mixing high-intensity bursts with low-intensity intervals is ideal for interval training.
Deadlifts can boost back, glute, and hamstring strength, despite their scary appearance. Lift a moderate weight with a straight back. Keep the bar tight and lift with your heels, not your back.
Squats are the classic lower-body exercise. This technique works practically every lower-body muscle, including abdominal.
Pull-ups are a back, shoulder, and arm workout. Starting with aided pull-ups is progress. Keep your core tight and lift up with upper body strength, not kicking or swinging.
Picking up big objects and walking is the easiest. Keep your core engaged and posture erect when using kettlebells, dumbbells, or bags of groceries. Start walking for a minute or two, then increase. You'll gain strength, endurance, and core stability.