4 Zodiacs Will Find Their Answer in September

Gemini, you have two options. One is severe, the other is more normal. There is no right answer, only the right answer for you, after weeks or months of debating this. So you'll listen to yourself and ask tough questions. Do you want this change or are you nervous? Do you feel forced to change because you're unhappy with the norm? 


The true reasons, risks, and rewards of this change? Right moment for this change? Does this opportunity only occur once, or may I revisit it? Listen to your genuine sentiments on the matter to determine if your fear is good, thrilled, or if your intuition is telling you it's not the time, the job, the person, or whatever you're conflicted over for you right now.


Virgo, you had one this month. Your temper is shorter than normal. You've been snippy with family, irritable, and unable to focus. Why is everyone's query, especially yours? This month, you'll solve that riddle. You'll get beyond these minor issues to find out what's really wrong emotionally.


Do you still despise a spouse or close friend for something they did recently, and now they can't do anything right? Does work dissatisfaction cross over into your personal life when you close your laptop? Do current circumstances provoke something from your past that you haven't dealt through?


Oh, Saggy. You poor thing. Nothing seems to restore your carefree, flirting mojo. Your last fling knocked you on your ass, and time goes passing without you riding again. You'll finally discover the cause of your chemistry problem this month. Consider whether you've been operating from loneliness, love, or both. 


Do you take attention instead of actual connection because it's better than being alone? Could your fling be love? Do you regret not expressing your actual sentiments or not mourning a loss long enough? Could D) All of the above be correct? Let all of the action from the last season marinate and use your introverted side to process feelings so you can make your next move authentically. 


Aquarius, you're independent. constantly on a mission, constantly moving forward. Until recently, you thought your aspirations were too great and your life too rapid for a serious relationship. You've dated, but you can't see a future with a partner because you see yourself moving across the country or the world to pursue your goals and are afraid to hope the right person will join you. 


Because you're used to flying solo, it's easy to presume that. The answer will reveal whether you've been mistaken all along this month. Whether you can have everything. Could a dedicated partner help you? Have you not given your relationships a chance to grow into something meaningful to support your dreams? We have hope if Malala married someone who wasn't frightened by her global fame.


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