4 Zodiacs Need a Break in September 2023

Geminis are often criticized. You appear more on unfavorable zodiac lists than good ones. You're accused of deception and chaos. Being symbolized by the Twins, two people who look alike but are extremely different, doesn't help. 


While these claims are understandable, the snark toward Geminis is growing old. This month, you need a break from your own and others' turmoil. September may require avoiding people or risky social settings, but recharging will be worth it.


You dislike seeking assistance. You may not accomplish everything yourself due to perfectionism. You like to find the greatest and most efficient technique and don't want anyone to mess it up. Can you feel your bones absorbing the overwork? 


Feels like you can't breathe. Despite your denial, you're fatigued and need a break. If you don't relax during September, you may suffer a major burnout. Ask for help and let others do it their way for once. This will be worth it when you can breathe deeply.


You appreciate doing things yourself. You feel badass. Look at you with your tool kit, building shelves or mending your computer like a badass. While you'll concentrate on concrete things, you rarely prioritize yourself. Self-care feels like a fancy word for laziness. That's not true. 


Your health should be as crucial as anything else, if not more so. Choose inner peace and happiness this month. Luxurious bubble bath with champagne and candles. Book a 90-minute massage. The outcome will be worth it.


You struggle to decline invitations. So your weekends are filled with friend favors. Because of it, you're taking on so much work that you feel underwater. Good thing you care about people, but not at your own expense.


Just contribute what you can. Take time for yourself in September. Get good at saying no. Your social, family, and work MVPs will understand that they don't always have full access to your time and emotions.


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